Welcome Clans and Societies



Get ready for the 38th Annual Tucson Celtic Festival and Scottish Highland Games on November 1-3, 2024! 



2024 Clan and Society Participants


We are honored to welcome







Andrew Morrison

The Right Honorable The Viscount Dunrossil

Hereditary Chieftain of Clan Morrison





Richard McBain of McBain, the 23rd Hereditary Chief of Clan McBain

Chief of Games





Clan Morrison

Honored Clan



Clan Armstrong

Clan Baird Society Worldwide

Clan Buchanan

Clan Donald

Clan Douglas

Clan Ferguson Society of North America

Clan Gunn

Clan Hamilton

Clan Keith

Clan Lamont

Clan MacFarlane

Clan Macfie

Clan MacInnes International 

Clan MacKenzie

Clan Maclachlan Society WUSA

Clan MacLeod

Clan McAlister Society

Clan Morrison

Clan Munro

Clan Murray

Clan McBain

Clan Sinclair

Clan Stewart

Clan Urquhart 

Clan Wallace

Clan Weir

Daughters of Scotia Skye Lodge #267

Desert Irish Wolfhounds

House of Burnett

Red Dragon America

Scottish-American Military Society

Scottish-American Military Society Auxillary

Seven Pipers Scottish Society of Tucson

Upland & Ulster Shaw Clans


Armored Combat Worldwide - Tucson Hellhounds

Boy Scouts of America Troop #157

Celtic Reenactment Organization for Fellowship and Trade

Cub Scout Pack #705

Royal Court of Scotland - Mary, Queen of Scots

Tucson Vet Center

University of Arizona Celtic Linguistics









The Definition of a Clan

leader.jpgThe Gaelic word for ‘children’ is more accurately translated as ‘family’ in E’en Do bait Spair Nocht. the sense in which the word Clan became accepted in the Scottish Highlands during the 13th century.

A Clan is a social group whose core comprises a number of families derived from, or accepted as being derived from, a common ancestor.

Almost without exception, that core is accompanied by a further number of dependent and associated families who have either sought the protection of the Clan at some point in history or have been tenants or vassals of its Chief. That Chief is owed allegiance by all members of the Clan, but ancient tradition nevertheless states that the Clan is above the Chief.

Although Gaelic has been supplanted by English in the Lowlands of Scotland for nearly a thousand years, it is an acceptable convention to refer to the great Lowland families, like the Douglas’, as Clans although the heads of certain families, such as Bruce, prefer not to use the term.

Allegiance was generally given to a father’s Clan, but Celtic tradition includes a strong element of descent through, and loyalty to, a mother’s line. In reality, the chief of a Clan would ingather any stranger, of whatever family, who possessed suitable skills, maintained his allegiance and, if required, adopted the Clan surname. We welcome all Clan and Societies to participate in our Festival. To register please submit your application today. Slainte!

Resource for Clan definition: http://www.clangregor.org



If you would like to make a donation directly to the Festival it will be greatly appreciated and will help share the fun and culture with our community! Please contact us at tucsoncelt1@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Go raibh maith agat!
(Thank you)